Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Fridge Elf is back!

I remember when I was a Youth Pastor in Alberton I shared a flat with a friend and colleague. Now it is interesting when you stay with another person as a flat mate…both of you won’t tell the other one if they are irritated about something just to keep the peace. One thing that really irritated me about this friend was that he would put dirty dishes in the fridge (I later interrogated him on the issue and he said that it was to keep ants away…I said that he should just wash the dished then, go figure). In order to deal with this issue I put notes on the fridge from the resident Fridge Elf stating that he did not like having his house dirtied with dirty dishes…could he kindly desist from this practise. From then on I was called the Fridge Elf…I had forgotten about that and so now I reinstitute this handle.

P.S. The Fridge Elf is the creature who turns off the light in your fridge when you close the door (that is of course if you believe that the light goes off…but the Fridge Elf definitely exists!)


Rock in the Grass (Pete Grassow) said...

Hey Boet: that Fridge Elfe thing is scairy. You need an exorcist to help you...or else a Jungian analyst!
But it does explain why you hair does that thing in the front!

digitaldion (Dion Forster) said...

Pete, have you ever seen the Movie "Something about Mary"?

THAT is why Juan's hair does that thing in the front!

Ha ha!
