Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Forgive as the Father does

Forgive as the Father does

Well, here I am again and I finally thought that I would add a little something to read about. I have received some feedback on the Forgiveness thing and thought I would post the sermon I preached on the subject. Ash (that is the person I am married to) said that I don’t preach enough practical sermons, so there we go. The sermon is available in MSWord format at this link. Perhaps I will also send a link to an MP3 of the sermon tomorrow. Dr David Croninger (a friend from the US) sent me a quote on forgiveness:

—“Forgiveness is the fragrance of the violet, which still clings fast to the heel that crushed it.” --author unknown

Sermon on forgiveness:
http://www.savefile.com/files/1436638 (46k)

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