Sunday, August 27, 2006

Little Devil...

Some might say that babies are little angels...not this one, she's growing horns. Well no one said that having a baby was easy and that they would behave all the time. However, I still love her even though she drive us both crazy at times. Must be how the Father feels about us.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Fridge Elf is back!

I remember when I was a Youth Pastor in Alberton I shared a flat with a friend and colleague. Now it is interesting when you stay with another person as a flat mate…both of you won’t tell the other one if they are irritated about something just to keep the peace. One thing that really irritated me about this friend was that he would put dirty dishes in the fridge (I later interrogated him on the issue and he said that it was to keep ants away…I said that he should just wash the dished then, go figure). In order to deal with this issue I put notes on the fridge from the resident Fridge Elf stating that he did not like having his house dirtied with dirty dishes…could he kindly desist from this practise. From then on I was called the Fridge Elf…I had forgotten about that and so now I reinstitute this handle.

P.S. The Fridge Elf is the creature who turns off the light in your fridge when you close the door (that is of course if you believe that the light goes off…but the Fridge Elf definitely exists!)

Who are you?

I have recently noticed on the Cluster Maps that I have had a number of hits from all over the world. Now I know that often someone would come across my blog by mistake or through serendipity but I would be really keen to know who you all are. If you visit my blog, doesn’t matter where you come from, please leave a short comment saying who you are (I don’t mind if you give me your web handle) and where you’re from…purely out of interest.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Isn't she just so beautiful

What a happy face. For thise wanting to see videos, I am busy experimenting which format to do...embedded or download. Posted by Picasa


Here is another video of Tayla, just seeing if the embedded videos work.

I did an online quiz called "What's your theological worldview?" I'm not sure whether or not I should be surprised by the results, anyway here they are:

Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan 82%
Neo orthodox 68%
Emergent/Postmodern 61%
Classical Liberal 57%
Roman Catholic 54%
Charismatic/Pentecostal 50%
Modern Liberal 50%
Reformed Evangelical 39%
Fundamentalist 18%

You scored as Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan. You are an evangelical in the Wesleyan tradition. You believe that God's grace enables you to choose to believe in him, even though you yourself are totally depraved. The gift of the Holy Spirit gives you assurance of your salvation, and he also enables you to live the life of obedience to which God has called us. You are influenced heavily by John Wesley and the Methodists.
What's your theological worldview? created with

Well I'm not exactly sure that this is a good thing, but at least I'm not lying when I stand at Synod and say that I believe and preach Methodist Doctrine. As I was reflecting on the results I remembered a question that was asked of me when I was in Matric..."why are you a Methodist?” My first response was, well that's what I grew up to be. I could not make an informed response because of the "sterling job" (please note the sarcasm) some of our local churches do in Confirmation training. Never the less, it was this question that placed a seed of discontent within me. I was happy with the Methodist Church since it seemed moderate enough in its practices compared to other churches...i.e. I wasn't too bored neither was I freaked out (by those "Christiany types" as one of my Confirmation Candidates keeps saying). It was only when I began my training to be a Minister that I began to discover what it meant to be a Wesleyan and I tend to agree to some extent with Rev. Dr. Peter Storey when he says..."Why be a Methodist if you're not a Wesleyan!" I am now very much convinced of the fact that God wants everyone saved, that everyone needs to be saved, that everyone can be assured of there salvation and that there is such a thing as Christian Perfection. There are obviously things that frustrate me about the Methodist Church but then the organisation of the church is largely human and thus wrought with humans. I pray that we would one day understand what Jesus wanted to do with the church.

Every Blessing J

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Tayla update

Well, here is an update on the little monster named Tayla. Sometimes she's an Angel and other times not. Last night she was somewhere in between. Right now she's playing with a rattle (although she can't hold it yet). She smiles and laughs at it when Ash rattles it. I thought since I have now a server that I can host files on, I would now load videos of the little one. Here is one (warning to those without is approx 2MB)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Forgive as the Father does

Forgive as the Father does

Well, here I am again and I finally thought that I would add a little something to read about. I have received some feedback on the Forgiveness thing and thought I would post the sermon I preached on the subject. Ash (that is the person I am married to) said that I don’t preach enough practical sermons, so there we go. The sermon is available in MSWord format at this link. Perhaps I will also send a link to an MP3 of the sermon tomorrow. Dr David Croninger (a friend from the US) sent me a quote on forgiveness:

—“Forgiveness is the fragrance of the violet, which still clings fast to the heel that crushed it.” --author unknown

Sermon on forgiveness: (46k)