Thursday, March 26, 2009

Has it been that long...

Wow, I can't believe that it has been over a year that I have posted on this blog...there's a possibilty that nobody even read this...who knows. Well I guess here goes.

I have been at Church street Methodist Church for just over a year now and I can say that I am happy. Had you asked me a couple of years ago if I'd be happy running a church that averages an attendance of about 100 per sunday and has only 300 members I would have said no. I have come to discover the joys of having this kind of congregation.

I grew up in the one of the so-called Mega Methodist Churches in South Africa, Northfield and did some more stints at some of the other multi-staffed Methodist Churches in South Africa (Alberton,Willows and Benoni Central). I always thought that I would be a part of that in of set up. I guess that this is still a desire for me since I love to be able to exclusively use my top spiritual gifts, but in reality I need to be able to do more as a Methodist Minister. That is partly why I am so happy that I am at Church Street. There is a sense that the laity are quite capable but in the end the buck stops with me and I need to be able to do what I need to do when the takkie hits the road. Although I have completed my formal training as a Minister, this is a place where I can continue to learn so that when I go to other churches that may be multi-staffed and have a bigger congregation, I can cope.

The other thing that makes me happy about being where I am is the following:

I live in Cape Town and I have teh time to enjoy it too...

So maybe one day I will return to Gauteng to the rat race and be part of a church that is growing like crazy...but for now :) I love what I'm doing.

1 comment:

Rambler said...

Ok, 3 months and no new post. C'mon! Rejoin us in blogville...