Wednesday, January 02, 2008

I'm back

Well after a couple of months of silence on my blog...I'm back. I wonder if this will continue though...we'll try. I think with the advent of Facebook, I have really focussed more on that...pity you can't combine the two things...perhaps you can.

Well, since my last post, I a lot has happend. Most especially the fact that I am now ordained and we have moved to Cape Town. I said to someone that I was going to reflect on the ordaination service on my blog and I never did. All I can say is that it was an incredible experience and that I will never forget it. The Cape move has brought us to Wynberg where I have taken over from Kevin Needham as the minister of the Church Street Methodist Church in Wynberg. I have done a Christmas service so far and my next service is this Sunday coming...I will be prepping for that least the worship...

It is a bit weird being in Cape Town. It is a wonderful place to live but everything is so different here...the people most especially. I think I need to change my licence plate very soon... they don't like the GP licence plates much. The church will be challenging since it is nothing like I have been in before...but I trust that God will be with me during this time of transition.

Anyhow, I will promise to update my blog more often blessed


Anonymous said...

All I can say is welcome back!!

Wessel Bentley said...

Nice blog!

Enjoy Cape Town and say Howzit to Kevie.

Check out my blog at