Sunday, February 18, 2007

Well, I feel so bad for not updating my blog…I would even be surprised if anybody will read it anymore. I hope to keep up my blog over the next while.

There are a couple of things to write about…Tayla, what’s ahead for the year and next year’s exciting new venture.

As far as Tayla is concerned she has changed sooo much. I can hardly believe that she is 8 months old now. There are so many things that she is doing now that I can hardly remember that she was ever unable to lift her head or make co-ordinated movements. I told someone the other day that she was moving around but not yet crawling. One moment she is laying on her donut the next she busy gnawing on the table leg. She sits up quite nicely and the most incredible thing now is that she is saying Mama (even sometimes calling out to Ash when she is upset.) She is also eating very nicely. We took a view that she should eat only fresh Fruit and Veg. The only type of cooking of the Veg is steaming them. Here are some pictures to see what she looks like now:

Me and my DAD

My Family
Playing Silly Buggers
Me and My friends, Tinyiko and Keryn (at Keryn's 1st birthday party)
Fun in the sun
This year is an exciting one for me since it is my Ordination year. I will be ordained in September in the Beautiful town of Stellenbosch in the Cape. I have asked the Rev. Neill Robinson and the Rev. Dr. Dion Foster (better known as digitaldion) to be my Presbyters. They both have had an incredible influence on my ministry and I believe that I will be blessed to have them being part of this special day. Of course, with Ordination, comes the privilege of being able to accept an invitation to labour at a Church. This brings me to my next point.

In January I received some sad news and that was that I would not be able to continue my ministry at Benoni Central due to financial constraints. This was the beginning of somewhat of an anxious couple of weeks. To cut a long story short, when I put myself out there I received an overwhelming interest form various churches. In the end after much deliberation and prayer we decided that accepting an invitation to the Church Street Society in the Wynberg Circuit in Cape Town was the way to go. We are very sad to leave Benoni since we both grew up there but also love the Church we’re in. We are very excited about moving to Cape Town since we have wanted to move there for some time now. It is the most beautiful place in the country. We are looking forward the lifestyle that is waiting for us in Cape Town.

Well there we have it, I broke the 2007 seal for blogging. I hope that I keep it up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is about time you came out of your shell!!
I can say without hestitaion that the Church Street Society in Wynberg,Cape Town, will be blessed to have you, Ash and Tayla. Our loss of your gifts, is their gain.