Wednesday, February 06, 2008

I know someone who is 100

Tommorow we, as a community in Wynberg, are celebrating the 100th birthday of Mrs Dorrie I have never known anybody as old as Dorrie and she's just lovely.

Dorrie Bowles is one of the most remarkable people I have ever met. She walks absolutely every where and she has not got one things wrong with her. She comes to worship every sunday and refuses a lift home. She is part of our Wacky Wednesday fellowship group (the old Morning Women's Auxilliary) and she still has all her faculties.

Talking to her is amazing...she has the most amazing stories of years gone by. She speaks lovingly of simpler times and I'm jealous. I hope that her life will never be forgotten and that her witness for Christ will continue to inspire the young.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DORRIE (even if you will never read this...)

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