Friday, May 18, 2007

How much are you worth?

Apparently I am worth $1.96 million (about R13.72 million)...are there any takers. I wonder if you can get finance for this.

How much are you worth?

I am worth $1,959,330 on
How much are you worth?

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Delight in the Lord

Psalm 37:4 says, "Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart." Now I'm not too concerned with the second part of the verse but in the delight in the Lord part. I have been painfully aware of my colleagues in my denomination and my delight in theology and the discussion there of. I wonder how many of us just simply Delight in the Lord and not so much in the debate as to whose write or wrong (I am refering to my own theological arrogance as well as the debates that ring in the cyber channels of our denomination). Here is a simple illustration of daughter in a "jolly jumper". I wonder when last any of us delighted in God like this.

Stay online for a picture update on Tayla