Thursday, March 08, 2007

I hate being Christian!

When it comes to people like this I hate being Christian purely on the basis that I am lumped together with them...let me know your thoughts.

Spirituality, Technology and of course gadgets

I recently came across a wonderful online meditation labyrinth put together by the Methodist Church in the UK. I found it fascinating that, even in the hustle and bustle of cyberspace, you can stop and pray through meditation. For those of you that think Labyrinth's are a bit new age, allow yourself to realise that God is not limited only to our cultural open minded and allow God to use this tool to bless you and the world. Here is the link:

Oh and for all my gadgety friends out there, here is a link to iMates new, very cool, toys:

I should be getting my new iMate at the end of is only a KJam but still pretty cool (the HTC Tytn was R2000 extra for the upgrade). I intend to continue using my HP iPaq6515 as a stand alone GPS. I'm "gatvol" for carrying around a brick (a cool one at that though). Here is some info on the KJam:

Maybe one day I can get a "real phone" that won't keep hanging (hmph...Windows) and upgrade to Apple's iPhone. As it stands now though, it is too expensive, unavailable in SA and not as versatile as a Pocket PC...but wait I'm certain it will be. For those of you that haven't seen it here is a link to Apple's iPhone webpage:
