Tuesday, September 26, 2006

An update on the monster

Well, I would not yet graduate her to angel status but it seems as though someone came and swapped our baby in the middle of the night. Last night she slept right through the night and we don't have to fight her to sleep in the day. We are having a great time in Sedge. Yesterday we went to George and to Victoria Bay...here are some pics:

The next two pics are very arb I know...they would look much cooler if I had a Canon EOS 350D...hint, hint, nudge, nudge...say no more:

These are called Baby Banz...the real deal, not fleamarket style.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Here in the Garden Route

Well here are some pics of us in Sedge and going to Knysna...the weather was infinitely better today...but even if it wasn't the beauty is there:

Going out:

The Knysna Heads
Fun in the sun


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

We're in Sedgefield

I would love to post photos of the beach...but the truth is the weather is not all its cracked up to be...but don't you worry, there will be photos and plenty of them. However, I am posting probably the best photo I've ever taken...I'm sure you'll agree:

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Makes you think about the church

I was once asked why I was a Methodist (I think I've written about this subject...), well in light of being asked I found a cute (but sick) joke about being asked what denomination you are.

A man was standing off the edge of the Sydney Harbour Bridge --about to jump. A passer-by tried to talk him down; he asked: "well, are you a Christian?" to which the man answered "yes." He exclaimed: "great, me too; what kind of Christian are you? Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant?" The answer was: "Protestant." "Me too; what kind of Protestant? Anglican, Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, Pentecostal?" Pentecostal. The man got excited: "me too; are you an initial evidence or a third wave Pentecostal?" "Initial evidence." "Me too; what kind of initial evidence? Are you a AOG, CRC, COC, CCC?" "AOG." Now, he got really excited: "Me too; are you Premillenial, Post Millenial or Amillenial?" The guy on the bridge said: "Amillenial" and with that the passer-by, becoming very angry, screamed: "Die, heretic!" and pushed him off the bridge.

The Methodist Church of Southern Africa is busy debating the issue of Same Sex Relationships and how they fit into the bigger picture. There are some far right of the issue and some far left. I think that as I watch the responses of the various people, although they are all Methodist, it makes me wonder if they would love to push one another off of bridges. The sad thing is that the world looks on to us as the church and is probably saying: "you see, those Christians are a bunch of weirdo's". My prayer is that, apart from our understanding of God, the bible and the church...can Christians not just hold onto the crux of the gospel: LOVE! Love God, love yourself and love one another (that does not mean shouting DIE, HERETIC!)

Picture of the Execution of a heretic

For what it's worth.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Tayla went to a party

Sorry I have not posted for some time now. I went Swaziland for internship training and before that I was preparing my assignments for that. Anyway, Saturday Tayla went to her first birthday party. Here are some pics of that.